الهروب من الواقع وتمثلاته النفسية في مسرحية (Dark Room) للكاتب عبد الكريم العامري
أ.م.د. عبدالله عبد علي
جامعة البصرة، كلية الفنون الجميلة
م. إيناس عادل عمر العبد العالي
جامعة البصرة، كلية الفنون اجلميلة
نشر في ١٩ آب ٢٠٢٠
The topic of reality escapism and
psychological representations is a main focus
of this research , and because of its close
association with the appliances of the
current situation, it was an important
motivation for the researcher to search the
motives and institutions that reveal
representations through which a clear
conception of this phenomenon is taking
shape indicating the paths and forms of this
topic Different. Thus, the researcher
established the title of her thesis:
“Representations of reality escapism
psychological in dark room play ” for abdul
kareem alaamri.
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